Make your application Secure-Stable-Scalable. Our network engineers will help in choosing best configuration for AWS Cloud to deploy your application. Migrate your application successfully over to AWS utilizing EC2, RDS, S3, Route53, Cloudfront and ELB.
Auto scalable EC2
Deploy your application in AWS Cloud.
Our AWS Engineers can deploy your web application and services in EC2 and can enable scalable computing capacity achieved by Auto Scaling feature.
We setup Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) service for directing the web traffic to multiple EC2 instances to avoid the risk of overloading the system.
Amazon Simple Notification Service
Send SMS, Emails and push notifications for mobile application.
Our team can deploy AWS SNS service for fully managed pub/sub messaging and mobile notifications service for coordinating the delivery of messages to subscribing endpoints and clients.
Networking & CDN
Robust content delivery networks.
Our AWS Engineers have experience in Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Route 53 and can set up and manage CloudFront which is a highly efficient content delivery network service by AWS.
AWS Databases
Secure your data in AWS Databases.
Our DB Administrators and AWS Engineers can set up the database in Amazon RDS, RedShift, DynamoDB. We can also setup Database in EC2.
Amazon Cognito
Simple and Secure User Sign-Up, Sign-In, and Access Control.
Our AWS Engineers have experience in setting up Cognito ACL for your application.
AWS Storage
Secure your files in AWS storage.
Our AWS Engineers can set up file storage space in Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier. Files can be made private to access only for allowed users for privacy.